Thursday, August 18, 2011

Was HHH really the Best Person to Induct Flair???

You make a good point, but I guess that's one of the perks of being McMahon's son-in-law. I would have rather seem HBK do it, but I realize that's out of the question considering the match tomorrow. Arn Anderson would have been a GREAT choice! Arn wasn't even interviewed on camera & I didn't see him in the audience, so maybe there's been a falling out between Arn & Flair or Arn & WWE or maybe Arn's health isn't great. I do think his absence was suspcious.

How do I prove n/(2^n) is decreasing?

The problem is an alternating series problem to test for convergence or divergence in the series (-1^(n+1)) * n/(2^n). I need to show why Bn is decreasing and lim as n->infinity Bn = 0

What was your 1st period like after having a baby? and when did u get it? I am 10 weeks postpartum and i think?

this is my period. It's very light. I had after a year, well last we did it was June last year and then i got my BFP and we didn't do it through the pregnancy. We did it the first time on Monday and i didn't bleed and it didn't hurt inside like it should have (it was always painful for me) i didn't even feel him inside me, it hurt me where i think i got a tear like on the perineum. I think i'm very loose inside. anyways not the point. So we did it on Monday. I was okay tuesday but on wednesday that's tomorrow i saw blood with a lot of clear discharge!!! I thought it's my period but i didn't bleed after that. So last nigth we did it again and this morning there it is again!! Could this be my period or is it just spotting? I am feeding my baby but when we go out i give him formula so not feeding but not exclusively. What was your period like after the baby and when did u get it?

Can carbon combine with another carbon atom by four covalent bond ?

Yes, all carbon carbon bonds are covalent because it is the same type of atom bonding with itself meaning an equal (covalent) sharing of the electron density between the two atoms. Carbon can form four types of bonds, all of them covalent, none of them covalent or any mixture there of.

Are the palestinian arabs friends of Lebanon?

The Lebanese people defend palestinians.And how did the palestinians treat the Lebanese,when the Arafat�s PLO started the civil war in Lebanon?

Rate My Fantasy Football Team.1-10?

If thats all you have for players then you are in trouble, brees is so-so, you could have done better than lynch and steve smith, and your defense is good but you should have grabbed the vikings or chargers, or cowboys, or patriots, what were you thinking, let us see the rest of your team

How many jerseys from any teams do you have besides the ones from ur fav. club?

3 America jerseys 2 Morelias and 2 Mexico's 1 by ream madrid and wanna get the black one by Mexico its preety bad azz