Friday, August 12, 2011

How much food is too much?

You are actually not eating enough calories. Your body will go into starvation mode when you continuously eat less than 1200 calories a day. This is where your body will hold onto fat for survival purposes because it thinks you are starving and there might not be any more food coming its way. You may, actually probably, gain weight eating at this level of calories. Your daily caloric needs depend on height, age, and weight. But because your body burns calories even when just sitting or sleeping, you will not have enough for continuous body function, if done for long periods. This is one reason why long time or severe anorexics can have problems with their bodies shutting down. A better way would be to eat a nutritious and healthy 1500-1600 (just guessing at amt) calories a day with lots of fruits and vegetable and plenty of water. Then exercise 3 or so times a week.

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