Thursday, August 18, 2011

Was HHH really the Best Person to Induct Flair???

You make a good point, but I guess that's one of the perks of being McMahon's son-in-law. I would have rather seem HBK do it, but I realize that's out of the question considering the match tomorrow. Arn Anderson would have been a GREAT choice! Arn wasn't even interviewed on camera & I didn't see him in the audience, so maybe there's been a falling out between Arn & Flair or Arn & WWE or maybe Arn's health isn't great. I do think his absence was suspcious.

How do I prove n/(2^n) is decreasing?

The problem is an alternating series problem to test for convergence or divergence in the series (-1^(n+1)) * n/(2^n). I need to show why Bn is decreasing and lim as n->infinity Bn = 0

What was your 1st period like after having a baby? and when did u get it? I am 10 weeks postpartum and i think?

this is my period. It's very light. I had after a year, well last we did it was June last year and then i got my BFP and we didn't do it through the pregnancy. We did it the first time on Monday and i didn't bleed and it didn't hurt inside like it should have (it was always painful for me) i didn't even feel him inside me, it hurt me where i think i got a tear like on the perineum. I think i'm very loose inside. anyways not the point. So we did it on Monday. I was okay tuesday but on wednesday that's tomorrow i saw blood with a lot of clear discharge!!! I thought it's my period but i didn't bleed after that. So last nigth we did it again and this morning there it is again!! Could this be my period or is it just spotting? I am feeding my baby but when we go out i give him formula so not feeding but not exclusively. What was your period like after the baby and when did u get it?

Can carbon combine with another carbon atom by four covalent bond ?

Yes, all carbon carbon bonds are covalent because it is the same type of atom bonding with itself meaning an equal (covalent) sharing of the electron density between the two atoms. Carbon can form four types of bonds, all of them covalent, none of them covalent or any mixture there of.

Are the palestinian arabs friends of Lebanon?

The Lebanese people defend palestinians.And how did the palestinians treat the Lebanese,when the Arafat�s PLO started the civil war in Lebanon?

Rate My Fantasy Football Team.1-10?

If thats all you have for players then you are in trouble, brees is so-so, you could have done better than lynch and steve smith, and your defense is good but you should have grabbed the vikings or chargers, or cowboys, or patriots, what were you thinking, let us see the rest of your team

How many jerseys from any teams do you have besides the ones from ur fav. club?

3 America jerseys 2 Morelias and 2 Mexico's 1 by ream madrid and wanna get the black one by Mexico its preety bad azz

Fantasy Football Trade Help?

i'd say no...andre johnson is really the only thing of value in this trade for you while youre giving up your best RB and 2 of your best WRs. you have a great QB in eli so orton will never start for you and clark will mostly always start over shiancoe. i would say drop berrian, burleson or thomas and pick up another TE

Did you know about Obama's Communist Advisor ?

I tried twice to ask this same question, but always get flagged! I tried again today. the guy quoting wiki makes me laugh, read the whole story! Keep trying to get the word out !

Why do so many young people leave church/quit going to church when they turn 18 now?

Im talking about young people who go to evangelical/baptist type of churches and even mega churches as well. Why do they leave and stopquit attending church??? Any ideas?????

I pushed her away? cont.......all of this 2 months?

Talked to this girl for a year. Got a into a huge fight with her cause we were not moving forward. She said not right now at this moment. Then I said some awful things to her like I dont give a crap about her or anything about her, I had no feelings for her and made fun of her ex. Then I tried to appoligized. Did not see her for two months. Then I sent her flowers twice then no response. I bumped into her nothing she does not want to talk to me. Then she textes me that shes gonna get married with her ex and she does not wants me to contact her cause Im gonna jepardize everything, cause her bf does not like guy friends. She never even said thank you for the flowers. Of a sudden she said loves the guy and wants to get married and have his baby. before she did not seem like she was even in to him anymore. She told she did not love me before not now or ever in the future. I want nothing to do with you. I choose him over you. She became so heartless. She never said sorry once

Poem: "Your Last Drive" by Hardy - help!!?

Does anyone know this poem and have some annotations or key points in it? If you know of any imagery, specific techniques, metaphors and what the poem is actually about, I would really appreciate it! Thank you!

How can I make this paragraph sound better?

I should have listened to my Mother, I thought bitterly. Shivering, I pulled my coat closer to my body. The snow gave sickening crunches beneath my feet. I was sick of snow [W/O COMMA] and the cold. My bare ears and uncovered face stung AS the cold wind slapped them. Never again would I let a friend borrow my scarf or hat. Focusing on my breath as it came out in a puffs of clouds, I again tried to cover myself more THAN I already was. Unable to get any warmer, I looked at my surroundings. Trees. They were colored the same as the falling snow. Above me ARE branches of millions of trees that engulfed me, snapped and swayed as if singing an eerie song that I was alone, and would forever be. Their song was deafening and becoming unbearable.

Is Michael Moore a helpful or a harmful influence on America? Is he motivated more by justice or money? BELOW?

Is he questioning Capitalism or merely expecting certain standards and questioning why they're not met?Nothing wrong with that.Blind faith in anything is stupid.

Please, someone correct this report I have written as homework?

In the first paragraph, you should write "and the bribing of congressmen.". Plural is better here. Also, "raising the living standards of Brazilian people and ending corruption", because it's contribute to ... and ending corruption. Also, in the following sentence "These are themes that dominate ...", without the final -s. In the second paragraph it should be written "and it doesn't settle millions of families", it's plural. Also, I would replace the contractions don't, doesn't, can't and contractions of that type by their full versions(do not, does not, cannot). It's more formal that way.

What's the difference between 'hawking' and 'falconry'?

I know falconry uses falcons and hawking uses hawks... but what other differences are there? Do hawks and falcons hunt differently?

What should this girl say?

Alright so my friend had this guy that shes been hooking up with for a couple weeks and they talk everyday. What would be a subtle way for her to talk to him about his feelings for her? like how would she figure out if he wants to date her. she wants him to say something first but he hasnt said anything. he has left hints and stuff but not too much. and he told our friends that he sees her as girlfriend material but she wants to hear it from him.

Is this laptop worth the money? or can i do better with �750?

it looks good but i would look for one with a nvidia card, as ati cards sometimes have problems with mobile internet dongle modems, but if you only want internet with wireless connections you should be ok, as shane say's try to go for 1 gig of ram on the graphics card.

Work related issues , company truck detail?

You should give him some kind of invoice. A company needs a receipt for any payment. This isn't your regular wages. I've done this in the past for extra work I've done for the company I work for. It's not an issue, they just need a reminder maybe but some kind of invoice to pay.

How do I make an A3 Brochure on Word 2007?

For my homework, Ive been asked to make a brochure about Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. I went to Centre Parcs for my holiday last year and I like the design of their brochure. Its A3 and is folded so that it has 6 boxes. Any ideas to making this type brochure on Word 2007?

So I'm doing an essay on Atticus Finch...?

"this shows Atticus to be a thoughtful man who will think before he acts. It shows alot about his character and the love for the town and his children"

Do you think Brett Favre will retire and not come back ever again?

He'll retire but he'll make sure he puts the Jets through hell before he actually makes the announcement that he is retiring... Even then, he may choose to "unretire" at any given moment when he feels like he can still orchestrate a come from behind victory... In that case, Jets fans get ready for a long and frustrating off season.

Help me with a friendship bracelet!?

Okay so I'm going to crochet it, but my friends fav colors are green and blue and i still have to decide mine. But should I wear the one with HER colors and she wear the one with mine, or reverse?

My MRI says "Marginal tear in femur with a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis". What does that mean?

10 PTS BEST ANSWER. Does this mean that I have rheumatoid Arthritis (I was told by one doctor I do and another I don't). It is really frustrating. Please help! Thank you!

Pregnant without having ... hmmmm?

So I was thinking, it is possible to become pregnant without having . Can't you have in-vetro fertilization.... right?!?

Teeth Removal??

Ok first of all im getting two teeth removed tomorrow and im really nervous. Ok is it really painfull to get an injection? Also i need to now if im aloud to go swimming the day after, cos i have a swim chapionship? Please give me some tips on how i can stay calm during the extraction??

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Need advice about debt collectors and vodafone!?

I havent paid a very large bill i got of vodafone, in fairness vodafone have only sent me about 2 letters about the bill and iv sent letters to them to try and sort out why my bill was so high, i dont agree with the bill myself and wanted questions answewrd. and in the last 2 months i havent heard ne thin from them. and then all of a sudden i get 2 letters from debt collectors demanding it. I dont have the money! what can i do? im a student!

Can i claim someone on my texs that i supported but that parson but that person is paying for they school?

can i clam someone that did`in work last year i supported that person but the only thing is that that person is paying for they own school ????

What does "100% Authentic Grade A boots" mean?

I am about to buy a pair of UGG boots, and it says that they are 100% authentic Grade A boots. Does this mean that they're real or fake??? Please let me know. Thanks.

Were my advances mistimed?

Should I have waited till the end of the funeral service before putting the moves on the recently widowed Lady Veronica Pebbles Hogworthy. I think she found my ual advances on her at the church a little distasteful.

Do you think Tony Blair is the antichrist?

Surely the same question could be asked of every despot mad world leader that ever existed.... and the same of Bruce Forsyth too!

Serious problem, help!?

This is not your problem. You didn't lead him on in anyway. Just say to him gently and sensitively im sorry but i don't have feelings for you like that just explain to him. Good luck! x

Sores, please help..?

Hi, I'm 16 and I've recently had some really flu like symptoms. Feverish, feeling congested, sore throat, achy, ect. I just realized that I also have two deep red small (half a pinky nail) sized canker-likesores on the lips of my . They are quite uncomfortable and with any pressure, hurt. They don't itch though. I've never had any type of and am very careful about hygiene. What could be the possibilities? Genital has all the same symptoms but again, I've never engaged in any ual activities. I'm pretty worried as to what they could be. Could they have anything to do with possibly having the flu, or irritation of underwear? What are the medical conditions that this could be from? When should I expect them to go away?

When everyone retires, who do you think will have the better draft cl? 84, 96, or 03 draft cl?

84, because when all is said and done it probably still would have produced the most championships, though its through most of those came from Michael.

Will (Should) Carson Palmer return to the Bengals in 2011?

Be best to go to another team with at least a chance of winning. The Bengals continue to go further down hill. Can't understand why the Bengals didn't fire Marvin Lewis.

Honda spuddering, backfiring on highway, stalling at times, rough idoling and drive.?

OK I have a 92 Honda prelude with a h23 rebuilt engine swap. (so my check engine light never comes on). but i've been having problems lately with my car spuddering constantly. It does it alot while being on the highway but also backfires on highway when i let off the gas and then press the pedal is when it backfires. it only spudders when i give it gas. It also dies or feels as if its gonna die sometimes when driving through the city oand i come to a stop. i have some custom gauges one being a volatge reader and when on highway i can see it jumping from 12 to 14. but the spuddering is my main concern. I've replaced plugs (w/ the right gap), wires, cap/rotor (when i changed the rotor the problem got better but didnt fix it, it used to be so much worst), fuel filter, MAP sensor, and checked my vacuum lines. the problem is getting worst i can tell

I need help talking to a girl?

There is this girl her name is Angela and i can't find the strength to talk to her. I have been following her around school and sometimes we make awkward eye contact and i feel all tingly. I liked alot of her statuses and i didnt know what to say so i just said i dont know? please help me because i really like this girl.

What else are Chinese stocking up now, other than salt and iodine tablets?

I have read this question a couple of times and do not see Asians in it anywhere. CHINESE was the question! As for the radiation question, how about you people buy yourself a world globe and figure out which way the prevailing winds blow! You do understand the Earth rotates in the same direction it has since the beginning of time? Now if you would only do this you would not have to listen to any stupid tales from the CCP and the radiation scare would be half over already! Let's see now about what else these Chinese are stockpiling up on! How about world globes so they would be just a bit more informed and not so blames spooky!

Can someone tell me 5 interesting facts about Southern colonies?

The facts that will make ppl wants to go there, because I'm working on a brochure &I have to put them in a paragraph!

How do I get from London to Manchester by train?

Book at the ticket Office as soon as you can as the cheap tickets sell out quickly or it could be cheaper to by london-Birmingham Birmingham-Manchester fix your time will also be a lot cheaper

Any advice you can give me?Especially if your a nurse or good with antibiotics xD?

Ok the full story is, I fell asleep on my couch one night and the window was open. I got bit by something and I think it was a spider because it was two (medium?) bumps. This was a couple a weeks ago. Today I just noticed that the bite is still there but its purple and it has puss in it. I tried to squeeze it out but the puss like, it just goes in. Like you know those games at the arcade where you have to smack a Wiesel, skunk, alligator or w/e and it just goes in and out but you cant catch it? (I know most of you can. This is in general) Sorry its the only example i can think of. Oh and its like higher than my belly on and its kinda hard to hold my skin in place with one hand. My moms at work and my dads doing work around the house and hes kinda busy, so any advice? Sorry just wanna know what I can do.

Kpop: Any f(x) fans out there...?^^?

I'm excited to hear it. They all have new looks (well maybe not all It was only 30 seconds so I didn't get to observe much >.>). The video looks amazing ;DD

How soon do you goto MEPS after joining DEP?

How soon do you goto MEPS after joining DEP, like after you sign all the papers? or when? I want to know so I can start preparing..and I'm planning to join the Navy DEP in 3 months.

Will Obama deliver on his laundry list of promoises?

tax cut for 95% of americans,safe nuclear proliferation, government run health insurance,end energy Independence, getting our troops out of Iraq, end tax abuse,close special interest loop holes,end abuse of no bid government contracts,turn the national debt into a national surplus,get the southern border between the united states and mexico under control,cut down on companies that hire illegals, fix social security,stimulate economic prosperity in urban areas,make housing more affordable, strengthen federal commitment to our cities,lower people's Interest payments by creating a new ,mortgage interest tax credit,increase the establish 'Promise Neighborhoods' for areas of concentrated poverty,deploy a modern communications infrastructure,improve america's competitiveness,protect our children while preserving the first amendment,safeguard our right to privacy,open up government to its citizens, I got my information on and for the people that say , well every politician promises a bunch of stuff and doesn't keep it keep in mind. Obama for change. change,change,change, new breed of politician. change change change.

Will this help a 19 year old get an apartment?

You need to have had a steady job. Employment is a huge aspect of landlords approving your lease application. They go by points. For example, I got an apartment a few months ago with two roommates. Our landlord looked at our credit scores and we each got a point for good credit. Then, we each got a point if we had a job for over a year. They also look at your income and you need to make I think it's 3 times your share of a month's rent. Previous rental history is another. It really all depends. But getting a credit card isn't going to solve all of your problems. It takes years to build credit. But it sounds like you're on a good start. Good luck, and make sure to ALWAYS pay your bills on time.

Can anyone find a review webite on Bryan carter & co solicitors based in surrey united kingdom?

currently owe them an old debt that should have been written off byt the company i owed origianly owed. i have spoken to a friend that is in finance and has told me to be very careful of this company as they have bad reviews, i have tried to look it up on the internet but i cant find the review site. does anyone know of a website where i can read up on the reviews or give me your own opinion of this company before i start comunicating with them. i understand i have to pay this and i am not ignoring but i am weary of the current company that has taken it over. thankyou

Where can i get a printable copy of midnight sun?

I really want to read Midnight sun... but I don't want to read it on the computer. Is there a way to get the illegal version?

Harold and Kumar escape from Gautama Bay? ?

I fear that I will always be / A lonely number like root three / A three is all that's good and right, / Why must my three keep out of sight / Beneath a vicious square root sign, / I wish instead I were a nine / For nine could thwart this evil trick, / with just some quick arithmetic / I know I'll never see the sun, as 1.7321 / Such is my reality, a sad irrationality / When hark! What is this I see, / Another square root of a three / Has quietly come waltzing by, / Together now we multiply / To form a number we prefer, / Rejoicing as an integer / We break free from our mortal bonds / And with a wave of magic wands / Our square root signs become unglued / And love for me has been renewed.

So what, exactly, IS my carbon footprint........?

A carbon footprint is a "measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide"[1] It is meant to be useful for individuals and organizations to conceptualize their personal (or organizational) impact in contributing to global warming. A conceptual tool in response to carbon footprints are carbon offsets, or the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation. A carbon footprint can be seen as a subset of earlier uses of the concept of ecological footprints. The average UK carbon footprint is 9.4 Tonnes Per Person.

Shrinking a sweatshirt from alloy?? help?

instead of shrinking it, why don't you find an aquaintance with a sewing machine who can take it in a bit? it would be simple to do, and you could make sure it's perfect that way.

I was walking down the neighbourhood, and a couple of black gentlemen asked "looking for hoes brother" explain?

I did not understand what was going on, through my knowledge im sure I have no affiliation with these gentlemen, my parents never adopted a child or had an affair for these gentlemen to call me their brother, nevertheless I politely declined meeting these so called "Hoe's", however I did give them my house address and phone number. I will be calling my lawyer to work out my family tree. Anyone explain my situation

I downloaded itunes & bought about 20 songs the other day, it hasnt charged me yet though..?

Its saying in my bank account : itunes $.00 ..but I was told they charge you as soon as you buy music ..what's goin on?

Hi, can some one tell me the meaning of one song? (1o points)?

The song I need the meaninf for is "the pretender" by foo fighters. Please, someone tell me!

I really need to get rid of this cough and runny nose?

I promise you if you go to and start taking their essentials vitamins you will not be sick longer than a day at a time. I havent been sick in over a year. I think drink lots of water to sweat it out including tea with honey and lemon. good luck

What did all of you think of the Madonna Themed Glee this week?

I thought it was amazing, and a great tribute to the queen, but I was really expecting Madonna to make a surprise appearance due with her making surprise appearances on SNL and the vmas last year. After watching this, I am a big fan of Glee, even though I have never seen it before in my life. What did you Madonna/Glee fans think of it??

Please help!! I have to get these right!!?

how about YOU answer them and we will proof read. we are NOT doing your homework for you but we will help and let you knwo if you are correct on your answers or not

What should I do about this guy?

Just last Saturday, I went out with a guy I met on the website Tagged. (After he met with my parents.) We both went to go see Terminator Salvation and had an awesome time. However, after we went our separate ways for the day, he conversations with me have been very brief because of family problems. Should I take my younger sisters' advice and go out on a second date with him? And if it works out, should I pursue a romantic relationship with him?

How do we know God is a man?

God is a divine being, which created everything. There is only one God, who was never born and there is no one else like him. God isn't a man.

Ping drugs through semen and effecting birth control pills?

Absolutely not a snow chance in hell of anything in sperm preventing the pill working, enjoy your life and be happy .

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My boyfriend's Aunt {who by the way isn't even in the family} is destroying the whole family. She decided she

doesnt like me anymore after I stopped kissing her the first time we dated. Well she got her bf's sister who is my bfs mom to turn against me when this all happened. The so called Aunt said I became this liar and everything which was not true she was just mad I stopped kissing her . Well she even went to the point of breaking my bf and I up. Now that we are back together and he is living elsewhere she is still trying to wreck us. The other day she turned one of the Grandmas away from me. The Gma used to like me but then Jana found out and ran her mouth about me and things that werent true so now the Gma doesnt like me. Well I am getting stressed about this. Id really like to talk to someone about this problem. If I did could I end up suing her for emotional stress and making her pay for it? Check out my other question as well. This lady is ruining the family because she is mad and won't stop until my bf has no one left in it to talk to. His own mom included.

Whats the best way to make tea in a flask?

Make a pot of tea, let it brew for a few minutes, then pour all of the tea into flask. It will stay nice for as long as it is hot.

What are the odds of the Yanks trading for King Felix?

If the Yanks send Montero, Adams, who was invloved in the pervious mariners deal for lee that didn't fall through, or eduardo nunez and 1 0r 2 other prospects could the yanks land hernandez

How information collected & reported by a company's AIS?

the AIS is annual and shows movement from year to year. Start at the top and compare + means up - means down and - means no change or info not available. Tjhis is macro info that by experience you should learn to handle.

Why everyone are saying ""MJ IS THE BEST"" ???????????

MJ did many heroic moves that help his team win, with his miracle shots, the one they are saying, "My god, he can make the impossible possible" Even Kobe can't still surp him, by statistics yes, but by heart and dedication did Kobe surp that? MJ is a man with a million moves

My mum needs help? Is mental health issues hereditary?

I have known for the past few years my mum needs help. But how do I do anything about it when she thinks she is fine? She is a compulsive liar... serisouly, I'm not just over-exaggerating. ie; she is 51, hasn't had her period since she was 38 (common in our family) and now she is saying (to the what... 3rd or 4th b/f?) that she is pregnant. She can't get her stories straight telling me she has one baby and my cousin and SOME other family members she is pregnant with twins. Also, the most damaging of all lies.. she told her ex-b/f that my hubby and I used to bash our eldest daughter and she had taken custody of her from us and when I got her back she had to cook meals for her everyday 'cause I wasn't feeding her. Soooo NOT true! Not even the slightest amount of truth in it! I don't understand... And scarily, this sort of thing is frequent! I mean, on a daily basis. She can't even say she has gone to the shops and brought a loaf of bread without having been mugged or met a celebrity!

Methane leak more serious than we thought?

If it were more serious than thought, then sensitivity to CO2 must be even less than this lack of warming indicates. How does that translate into to more serious than thought. There was an unaccounted for warming source and CO2 is even less effective as a greenhouse gas than supposed. How stupid and incompetent would scientists have to be to not be able to measure the amount of methane in the atmosphere. That amount is 10 times less than the amount produced by cows. I know alarmists like to pretend that cows didn't exists until the last few decades but even they swamp out that effect. It is less than one part per 10 million. I am sure the effect is less recently with the serious cool down of the northern latitudes. It has been happening for over 10 thousand years and hardly amounts to something worth getting alarmed over AT ALL.


Do I absolutely need to get vaccinated before I go to Caracas? Or do I not need it? Because its too expensive, couple hundred dollars. More than people in Venezuela make in a year. If there is any basic vaccinations I should get tell me what they are called and how much they cost because the doctor wasn't helpful and got mad and annoyed with me with each general question i asked. im a young guy from canada. thanx. and i think ill go to other places in south america too... but probably not the amazon. because obviously those are the playgrounds for millionaires and big travel nerds who know everything and do everything right.

How do I cope with wanting a baby but not being able to have one?

How do I deal with the fact that I want a baby, but am unable to have one? I am 23 and a college graduate, and we have been trying for at least 2 years to have a baby, with no success. (Please don't tell me I have all the time in the world, because this is not true, and certainly not helpful.) My doctors agree that there is nothing wrong with me, but I still have no answers. Every time I see a baby I get this feeling, and I know it is something I want in my life. I spent my younger years scared to death of accidental pregnancy, and now I found someone who I will share my life with and it seems that it just won't happen. How do I cope with this? I don't have a very supportive family and all my friends just tell me how lucky I am NOT to have a child. It hurts and saddens me because this is something I know I really want.

Reduce haze in background of photos?

Is there a trick to reduce or eliminate the hazy look you get when taking pictures of far off landscapes, such as mountains? I don't have an SLR or anything, just a digital point-and-shoot. Thanks!

If you think Michael Jackson is guilty, what facts are you going by?

There are pretty much none to go by, only the media who wants as big a story any way they can get it. If that means portraying someone as guilty, they'll do it. It's the narrow minded sheeple that tag along with such propaganda just to knock someone they view as different from what they themself can understand. You can notice the obvious lack of the people replying to this question who post the same child molestation stuff on every other MJ question. Probably because most don't have any sort of validity to their argument and it only takes a small mind to post such rants and not have anything to back it up. Those are the only people who believe the convicting media.

Can you chose one course at one university and then chose a different course at a different one?

i want to do criminal justice and criminology at leeds uni, but there arent any other uni's close to me which do this course and obviously when applying we have to chosee 5 different when i choose different uni's can i put that i want to do criminology or do i have the keep the same course when applying????????

The Bayer process of refining the bauxite ore to obtain aluminum oxide?

Where could impurities or errors come from in the Bayer process of refining the bauxite ore to obtain aluminum oxide? So far it seems as if the process has none, does anyone have any ideas?

Shockey or Shiancoe this week? San Diego or Oakland Def?

Shockey defenatly. Favre will throw the deep ball to Rice and Berrian all week. Then San Diego D. No question


ok so we r learning about the enlightenment and does anyone no mozarts views on government etc????????? such as he believe in democracy or that humans have rights etc.....llinks would be GREATLY appreciated.....

Can a marriage work if you have a great platonic friendship with another?

I mean, you are able to relate better with your platonic friend than with your spouse? Or does this mean the marriage has a problem?

How long does salmon stay good in the fridge while thawing?

just wondering how long salmon stays good in the fridge while thawing.. i took some out yesterday morning at 8 am.. will it still be good today? i just took it out and it was still a tiny bit frozen.

How to dodge gym cl tomorrow?

tell your coach your getting really dizzy, walk kind of unbalenced and say your head hurts you vision is blury..stuff like that!! :)

This is interesting do you believe it?

You are the perfect person to check out the burning bush, Apparently there is a bush in the middle east which gives off a gas when it gets hot and spontaneously ignites. The bush does not burn but the gas does. Your explanation is as plausible if not more so than the one in the bible.

Married Women Poll – Did you plan your wedding around?

I stayed drunk through the whole planning process...I had a mother and a soon to be sister in law that seemed to have it all under control for me...

Big Show says a WrestleMania Spoiler on VH1?

I was watching the top 20 countdown on VH1 and they interviewed the Big Show and Big Show said that at WrestleMania it will be Big Show vs John Cena vs Edge in a Triple Threat Match for the World Title! What do you think considering last night on Smackdown they didn't mention this. What is your opinion on Big Show saying a spoiler on VH1?

Can a rusted unibody floorpan be reinforced with fibergl?

i have an 82 camaro and the seam on the floor pan behind the driverside front seat and the seam along the rocker panel are rusted pretty bad and there is two spots about 4 to 5 inches in diameter, one up by the pedals and one right in front of the seat that have pretty much rusted through. other than that, everything else on the pan is solid without any rust. i dont know anything about welding in a new floorpan and money options are limited. a friend said to cut out the rust and use fibergl to repair the rusted sections since the majority of the floorpan is still solid. being that this would pretty much mean cutting out the two seams will this leave a solid enough foundation for the seat and would it be a safe alternative to trying to replace the entire left hand floor pan. everything else under the car is solid and the seat seems to still be sturdy(doesnt rock back and forth or seem loose) or feel like its going to go through the floor and id like to keep it that way. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Which statement best describe diction?

number 2. for those of u who dont know waht diction is it is a fancy word for word choice, so now u can answer.

What deo you think about?

what do you think about these lyrics:i gotta hit that open road so hard that it quakes three miles under ground this little town aint good enugh any more i need to chase my dreams out of this little town im sorry mom and dad but i have to chase my dreams out of this town

What did you score in the Yahoo Answers quiz?

I scored a 2/10. Quite frankly anyone who asks what the capitol of the Netherlands is in-fact stupid, because the Netherlands is a useless country.

The funiest question?

This guy is a total moron , He really does think he has proven something with his pathetic little observation . He had better be careful the next brain fart he has may blow his head off !

Draw the rare imino tautomeric form of adenine?

Show how it pairs with cytosine to form a base pair of normal dimensions but with only two hydrogen bonds, causing the possibility of a mutagenic error in DNA synthesis

Horrible throbbing headaches.. but only when I bend down?

When I get a sinus headache or a sinus infection, it hurts like a *@#!#! when I bend down or even lay down. Or maybe you are sensitive to Excedrin, and now that the migraine is gone you're experiencing a headache brought on by the medication you're taking. I get horrible headaches from Tylenol and especially Tylenol 3, and my problem with that stuff didn't start until I had my daughter. Before I had her I could take it.

I bought bran new 08 car, now i found out that some parts are not original?

Start by filing a written complaint against the dealer with the state DMV. They will investigate and if your complaint is validated, you have recourse againt the dealer and/or the dealer's bonding agent. As a minimum, you will receive compensation to offset the decrease in value of the vehicle. You might even be able to return the vehicle for a full refund.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are the people of AlQuida happy or sad about the American Economy today?

I don't know about that, but it does show how little he knows (which he has readily admitted) about the economy.

When a 'christian' blathers on and on about 'jesus' returning in triumph and every knee bending, do you think?

Ever read the lyrics to ten thousand fists from Disturbed? It seems many will simply shake their fists even while bowing.

Why do Centers get aways with moving so much beofre a snap and still not get a false start?

The center is also calling plays for the OL. Its his job to point out where the blitz may be coming from.

Is it possible for me to ever have a beautiful relationship?

Anything is possible. I am sorry for what you are going through. You need to get the idea out of your head questioning whether or not you will find true love. And tell yourself, that you can and you will find it. Work on repairing yourself however, before you try and find that right guy for you. Good luck.

Putting music onto Samsung Blackjack?

I have a 2GB memory card, but I can't figure out how to transfer the music onto the memory card. Any ideas?

Naked (a little more clarification) IS IT JUST ME

Girl, with all that action going on, who needs sleep! :) Seriously.. you should've just woke him up and had a good time.. it sounds like he was seriously in the mood.. sleeping naked together is fun! :)

I need to get a good christmas present for my boyfriend, ideas?

We've been dating for almost 3 months, I'm 15 & he's 17. He's really into hunting & he's a volunteer firefigher. Thinking maybe some Guy Harvey shirts, but I want something else to get him to put with it. Please help me out, & give good, creative ideas. (:

Degri 2011- can't wait?

I think Eclare may break up for a while but get back together. Also if you've seen the other new promo it shows drew and Bianca about to hook up so I think Drew actually gets high with her because she's already into drugs and drinking and in the first promo it didn't look like KC was high like Drew

Poll: Women! what style pajamas do you wear most often?

I'm 18 years old, and I normally wear a tshirt with flannel pj pants. In the summer though, I'll wear boxer briefs with a tshirt or tank top!

Does anyone know what the ethnic back-grounds of the members in the Dance group Jabbawokeez are?

1 is black and the rest are Southeast Asian I'm pretty sure. I don't think there are any Japanese people in the group. You shouldn't use them as an example in any of your silly questions though, They wear masks and uniforms because they are about the dancing, not their appearances.

What makes Romney conservative?

Look up the meaning of "conservative" then look at facts, where none of the political parasites in Washington or your home town or state fall into that category when it come to spending the taxpayers money, none. There is no such thing a conservative politician.

Does everyone out there know the single most important piece of information there will ever be to know?

Don't be deceived with the rest of the world and worship the antichrist when he soon returns performing miracles-the great imposter posing as the real Christ. Please know antichrist comes FIRST, and not until he sits in the temple and claims to BE Christ will the REAL Christ return. Antichrist's message will be he has come to "fly you away to safety"(rapture doctrine/the great deception).

Is this what Obama promised?

He did not promise to have all of the troops home by 2/1/09. That was only 12 days after he took office. That being said, no, this is not the best way to get troops home, and I wish they'd hurry it up already.

Im so in love with him... he says he wants me forever and i want him forever too. Do you think its true love?

There is a difference between love and infatuation. You are only 15. I remember thinking that I knew what love was then too, but now looking back, I know that it was not. What you are feeling is typical for a high school relationship, and that's okay. You need these experiences so one day, you can know that you really are in love. But I am sorry to say that you are in like, not love.

Installed spysweeper with anti virus and still have?

Lsas blaster.key logger asking to install and pay for internet security.How do i rid this out not in programs computer is 4 months old and did sweep 2 times and shows fully protested and this key logger pops up every minute while on computer has a black and gold shield on right side of screen on lower bottom but cant delete.please help its my sisters computer.

Help with the answers to two Earth Science questions? I have an idea, but I need to double check?

The answer is b for both. im a honors chemistry student. that is my source. for the first one look at the groups. the second one use process or elimination

Is there a freeware / open source utility that backups all your drivers from windows xp?

I'm looking for a utility that is freeware or open source, that will backup the drivers I'm using in Windows XP Pro. I don't care to have to re-download them again (so Belarc Advisor is out), and I'd like to get something that is free or open source.

Which of these combinations are your favorite?

Oh what beautiful names! I think Scarlett Lucille Fitzgerald sounds the best and Molly Ray Atwood. Good luck on your short story...i bet it will be great!

Songs like "stan"?

Maybe Over and Over by Nelly ft. Tim McGraw or I Don't Wanna Know by Mario Winans ft. P. Diddy and Enya

How long does it take our solar system to make an orbit around the Milky Way?

I was looking in several astronomy books in my bookcases, and I see different figures given for the amount of time it takes our Sun and its family of planets, asteroids, etc. to travel once around our galaxy. some of my books are old, while others are new. Does anyone know the latest estimate?

What exactly is smart casual?

i'm going for a party and the dress code is smart casual. i am thinking of wearing corduroy pants with a suede that fine?

Animal mutations and Original Sin. Is there a connection?

you have made a good point that most christians will have difficulty answering without merely filling in the gaps with their own interpretation, as this is clearly a major contradiction.

Sd vs raw 2008 vs wrestling kingdom 2?

kingdom 2 is better its got vader inoti original iron sheik AND YOU CAN BREATH OUT FIRE BETTER THEN 2008 and no cena + ITS GOT CHRIS BENOIT IN IT i know what im choosing probaly both but ah im gettin kingdom 2 first cause thats how i role

BOY&FRIEND DRAMA! graduated middle school, going to highschool. plzz help?

ok so my first year of middle school i dated this guy but broke up with him cuz he said he was in love with me and i wasnt going to say it back because i wasnt in love with him but i did have really strong feelings . my bestfriend from elementary didnt like me becuz she said i was apart of the "cool crowd"which is not tru i dont believe in cliques. but she wanted to get revenge and stole him from me by saying she was in love with him, they were on&off all 8th grade yr. So i moved on like wutever, and i started liking this guy who liked me back, we got really close and all of a sudden she breaks up with the other guy &gets all over this guy :/ and he says he likes us both, but i didnt want to deal with it so i stopped talking to him. i tried talking to her about it, saying we could be friends again and we dont have to argue and fight because its immature and not worth our friendship but she told me after that it hasnt even gotten started and to prepare for highschool cuz she will make it hell and get on every guy i want......anyways what should i do? i dont want to fight back, thats my last option..........PLZ HELP:(

New trade offered to me for Pujols?

First I was offered Sandoval and Beltran for Pujols. Now he wants to add Desmond Jennings to the mix. Should I take the offer. I have pretty good home run power. Howard Bruce Pena Pence, so I guess I could sacrifice the power. But Pujols when and if healthy would be a good bat to plug into the line up. What do you think? Should I accept? Thanks in advance

Rate My Altaria Pokemon Emerald?

For a level 42 Pokemon, I would say the movset couldn't get any better, offensive and strategic wise. You should probably raise the stats a little bit more using vitamins (Iron, Carbos etc.) You can buy these from Lillycove Dept. Store. You should definately replace Dragonbreath with Dragon Claw when you get the TM (Found in Mt. Meteor). You should train him up seeing you are up to the eighth gym, maybe to level 50 at the least. Hope I helped, good luck. Oh and for the rating, I would give it 9/10.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is it a good idea to write a research paper on high school sterotypes?

Yeah, just be careful of your facts or otherwise it could be quite painful. I myself have always been fascinated by this and I'm sure it peaks others interest too.

Is it me or did Michelle Obama look like Cornelius with a new hairdo?

Don't get me wrong, Cindy McCain looks like she's had her face rebuilt so many times she's going Michael Jackson, but how can you keep calling someone beautiful when her teeth stick out farther than her nose?!?!? Now I know why she always smiles, good Lord.

Have the US evangelicals created a "back door" religious test for political candidates?

Yes I think there is an unspoken one which is why you will see conservative candidates pushing their opinions through early debates to court that extreme conservative right.

How did Avvaiyar knew about the secrets of atom?

She while praising "Thirukkural" says anuvai pilanthu aadkadalai pugati kuruga tharitha kural, is'nt this nuclear fission, where did she learn , surely people during sangam period did not have any microscope r devices to c atom , who gave the knowledge?

What happens when McCain and Obama debate in Sept/Oct?

I have a feeling that it's going to be really bad. McCain can barely read from a teleprompter. It will be worse than Kerry vs. Bush debate back in 03'.

Turkey's intentions in kurdish region?

is turkey's involvement in the kurdish region just a method of undermining the US and starting an indirect war with the it? turkey did nothing when the EU ped a resolution making it illegal to deny that turkey committed genocide against the armenians, but america didnt even p it and some say turkey is doing this just to piss america off. should turkey attack america and kill its people as payback for the iraq war?

BCS standings just posted!?

texas is now num.2 YYYEEAAA......but i would like other opinions u think texas will make it to championships cuz all they got left is Texas A&M!

Help with Microeconomics?

I'm stuck on tried to understand About the Equimarginal Rule in this particular chapter which talks about combining two activites where the marginal benefit per dollar for the first activity equals the marginal benefit per dollar for the second activity. Even after reading the textbook im not able to cope up and understand how it works because they havent used simple examples. Can someone please explain it to me with a few examples if possible? Any help is greatly appreciated.

How do you like this opening for a novel?

its a very gr8 start to a novel and its straight to the point and it looks like you will write novels as a job later on in life

I ingested some Fecal Matter?

So, a few days ago, I was at a party. I have no recollection of what happened, but the next morning I was informed that I had eaten my friend's feces for a few more beers. I don't feel so good right now, and I don't know what to do. Can anybody help?

2 year old with a to make it go Bye Bye??

My daughter is almost 2 and still uses her pacifier.... I need ideas on how to get her over the habit? She only needs it when going to sleep..Is it ok for her to use it a little longer?? HELP!

How do you make a video with lyrics and background on youtube?

Go on movie maker, insert a backgroud, insert a MP3 of the song, then insert the lyrics, and your done!

Ladies, why do girls think they're always right even when they just plain out are NOT?

I am a girl and frankly, I would never say anything so idiotic. Nor would I spend hours ysing it, or ume that this was the attitude of all females.

What are anime/s that have harem (or semi-harem) and action?

um... I don't know if Fruits basket counts. Fruit basket is about this girl Tohru and it has these boys Yuki and Kyou that basicly fight for her in there own little ways. ^^

If you went to someones door who had a bunch of "pico style" statues in their lawn....what would most think?

Isolation or abandoned area. If there is still a person living there, they could be some artist (because I'm into art as well). Most artist can be deranged or strange, like Van Gogh.. or others

Christians: What is the mystery of iniquity ?

In II Thessalonians 2, God says that the antichrist and the mystery of iniquity will be revealed right before the time Christ returns, so maybe you have a guess on what it could be ?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What are some good drills or tips I can use to improve my long jump form?

I am 13 and take my athletics very seriously. My best jump currently is 18'8". I am currently toward the end of my track season and would like to focus now on my form more than my distances because I am aware that the better form you have, the further the distance. What are some tips for form you guys have? How can I help improve it? I KNOW PRACTICE WILL HELP SO PLEASE DON'T SAY PRACTICE, I PRACTICE 6 OUT OF THE 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK! Thanks for your time.

What is a synonym of "empower" that is 8 letters long and with an "s" as the fourth letter?

My daughter is looking for a synonym of the word "empower". It must be 8 letters long and the 4th letter must be "s". Thanks!

Do you agree with Nas and many people who say Hip Hop is Dead?

Hip Hop will never die! Rappers have included , violence, money and drugs in their lyrics since the early 90's (even before). So to say that Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, Flo Rida(the list goes on) are killing Hip Hop is preposterous! Yes, their lyrics are simple and dull, but they are attracting new fans to the culture. Nas is a talented rapper, but he needs to start appealing to the fans, switch it up or deliver another Illmatic! All in all it comes down to you, the listener to decipher what songs or rappers you relate to. Hip Hop will never die!

Wow did you know the White House's Roderick Harrison is liar and race separatist?

One thing I've noticed here is the ones usually screaming every else are racists, are usually the most racist themselves.

I made a new yugioh fiend deck. Any suggestions for what i should add or take out to make my deck better?

I think that you're deck is like a level 7 fiend deck, but I honestly think that it would be better if you found an Emporer Sem from the new Raging Battle booster set or a Sangan from where ever.

Please I Need College Help?

So, I guess I did pretty mediocre in high school, and am probably going to have go to community college sigh..... So my question is if I do good my first two years of community college can I transfer to someplace better? Also, is it to late to improve? i'm a hs senior this year? I will be graduating early this year after being held back in first grade (I'm dyslexic). Are there some cles I can take that will look good on my college application? plz hlp thx!!!

I truly like this girl, and i just cant tell if she feels the same about me?

met this girl at the gym bout 2 months ago, for the next 3 days, she IMs me, leaves me facebook comments, says she wants to hang out MULTIPLE TIMES, sends me her number without me even asking for it. We hang out, i try to make a move, after i kissed her once, she turned her head. I apoligized 2 weeks later and she said its fine. She hadnt contacted me at all in the next few weeks(while i had been trying to), only time was when she saw me at church on easter sunday, and as soon as m was over she texted me saying I JUS SAW U, HAPPY EASTER. so i saw her at the gym lasweek and she kept following me around kinda (not in a bad way) and wanted me to go to grocery store with her? anyway, she asked me get coffe last weekend, so we went and it was good. STILL, she neverr contacts me first like she used to BEFORE we hung out? TODAY i see her at the gym again, AS SOOON as she sees me she goes I BEEN TRYIN GET UR ATTENTIONN BUT U DIDNT HEAR ME, IF U DIDNT DO ABS YET, U WANAN COME DO THEM WITH ME

How to do MLA citation?

i need help to do the citation for a short story from a literature textbook. And i was wonder if i should do the mla citation just for the short story or do the literature book. ANd i have one more quick question could a short story be an anthlogy ?

As a teenager, did you have a song that you felt described... (SEE Details)?

lol intresting question mine usually changes often. Right now its Spin You Around by Puddle of Mudd, since my girlfriend is a dancer and Im a rocker. I thought it fit perfectly

Bands like The Word Alive, Oceana, The Devil Wears Prada, etc.?

why look for more? you already have a huge list, probly more artists than i even have on my entire iPod. besides, that many songs would be very expensive, unless you downloaded them from the internet, which , of course, is illegal.

It's my boyfriends Birthday, what should i do?

For my boyfriends birthday this year i gave him some money to fix his car, i know it isn't personal or anything but he wanted to have it done and couldn't afford it, For Christmas though i got him a titanium ring and a Xbox game and some aftershave and a book, it all came to about �175. But the year before that i got him something little and funny and he still loved it. I honestly think that if you think about the present it means so much more, i think the last present you got him sounds fab! Do something like that, it will remind him of you x

Psychology static’s question about masturbation.?

if i told you i would have to kill ya, course i could just rough you up and give you a clue.....whatya say? i'm good for it

When will the society ever get rid of its meaningless celebrity craze?

Whoa! I'm speechless. What a waste of time and money! Can't this money be used for homeless children in 3rd world countries?

Can you refurbish a at&t phone with alltel to use?

my cuzin has a blackjack 2 and wen she renews soon i want the fone so i can renew it with alltel is this possible?

Can you think of a perfect synonym?

Ok, this is harder than it sounds. I'm off work sick, and I'm amusing myself by trying to think of words that have the same meaning, usage, AND connotation. For example, hard and difficult would not count, because hard is generally less formal. I might consider lonesome and lonely to count, but perhaps lonesome has a more Romantic/poetic connotation. If anyone has any candidates, please post them! 10 points for the best answer! Thanks for indulging me...

HELP! Anyone!?

another good place is facebook - it's easy to set up an account if you don't have one. they have a new-ish feature called "marketplace" that you can list items and photos of what you have for sale.

What new deal acronyms are these?

AFL, and CIO. i looked in my book but they're not there. And i can't find them online. any help? and what did they do.

IPod Clic shell change?

Is it possible to take a brand new, current gen iPod Clic and put into an old generation iPod U2 shell, as seen here (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Could I have a good similie?

I need a simile for an english report and im trying to make one out of this: We would always visit my aunt and uncles whose beautiful log cabin in the forest was as welcoming as______________. I know there is something to fit in there as a similie, but i dont know what.

3 year old won't sleep in his bed?

He may be afraid of something in his room.Try asking him questions like why do you not want to sleep in your bed.Or tell him you will reward him if he sleeps in his bed.See eeasy peeasy.

A question about Marc Jacobs bags?

I just would like to know if Marc Jacobs have bags with his name as a design? Cos I saw someone carrying a Marc Jacobs bag today, with the name "MARC JACOBS" spelt out with studs at the top of the bag, near the handle. The body of the bag was basically quilted, (but not at the area where the name was written) and it was of a light brown colour. Was wondering if it was original or fake and whether the style ever came out cos I had never seen the style before.

Please help me! i don't know what to do. (suicide, depression, cutting)?

Hate to give such a short answer to a long and involved question, but change therapists. Insist on it.

Why the theory of the separation of power is important to judicial independence?

Our government is supposed to represent the people, so having one group of people in 100% power, only a small portion of people would be represented.

GRAMMER HELP!!?? ahhh!?

2. Preposition–is a word used to show a relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word in the sentence. Prepositions often show direction, location, or time.

Steelers or Packers??Who you rootin for??!!?

so..being an avid football fan...I was curious as to who you are cheering for to win the Superbowl..Im a huge steelers fan...I think with the Steeler defense and Big Ben....they will prevail and may not be easy..but I think it'll be a good game...

Can you guess who uttered these words?

Only a megalomaniac would want his enemies to be brought in and killed front of him. An expedient and logical dictator would have them quietly killed as soon as possible where they stand.

If abiogenisis was proved wrong, would evolution still exist?

The same goes for Clay Theory, the big bang and whatever other drivel creationists use as a synonym for evolution. But the fact of the matter is, even if each of these theories is proven wrong, evolution remains untouched. Care to dispute this?

Intel pentium 4 help please !!!?

i am building another pc and i just found a pentium 4 model 519 3066mhz. i need to find a ultra atx motherboard(pentium 4 compatible) that's maximum ram is 4gb or has to be ultra atx as i already got a case that is ultra atx compatible and im not sure if you can put another type of motherboard. and if you can tell me a affordable video card most proffered nvidia thanks

Pretty Face vs Great Body... which do you prefer?

I read this interesting article, it states that 51% of Malaysian women prefer a great body over a beautiful face. And that, majority of chinese women prefer to have a beautiful face whilst malay women opt for a beautiful body.... what are your thoughts?

What's the difference between a teaser and a trailer?

A teaser is around 40 or 60 seconds and shows a short scene from the movie and always says "coming soon" at the end of the teaser. A trailer is about 2 minutes and shows many scenes to hype you up for the movie. A trailer gives you the exact release date.

The real evolution creationism debate?

Your question about a deity creating the first cell presumes that there are deities. While there is no concrete evidence at the moment about how the first events leading to life happened, there is no physical evidence whatsoever for the existence of any deities. Thus, to show that a deity may have created the first life form, one must first show that there are deities. This demonstration must include a lot of positive physical evidence, not just questions of faith. Once deities have been shown to exist by the preponderance of physical evidence, then one can ask for the physical evidence that they created life.

Is being black about race or more about a state of mind?

Of course I am a young black male who's been around long enough now to see and understand that being black or should I say being clified as black isn't always about your skin color but more times than none about your state of mind at least to other black people. I have two types of black friends, the ones who hate school and the ones who can't seem to get enough of it. I have black friends who truly feel to the depths of their souls that anything to intellectual or to hi-minded is white and I have black friends as well who feel the complete opposite. Those friends tend to feel that it is very unfair to question ones blackness just because they choose to attend an institution of higher learning, or because they don't always want to go to a club that plays Rick Ross "Tupacs Back" song 25 times. And because they don't drink Hennesy or like girls who are borderline overweight but considered to be hot because they have a Big most times out of shape . Is it fair to say that a black guy is not being black enough because he doesn't always choose to partake in such low brow & ignorant behavior? It becomes increasingly hard to converse with certain black people or wow a black girl on a date if you can't get what one may call "ghetto" at some point. It's like once you decide to take the conversation from a clothes, BET, hip hop and good ole party & bull ***ish temperament to a convo focusing more on the social ills of society or what are the best colleges to get into or any worldly lingo, you start to feel the disconnect. It automatically makes a brother feel like he's trying to be white and intellect and intelligence should never be frowned upon by anyone no matter who they are or what they are. So yet again I pose the question what is black? and must all black folks who decide to do something worth while with their Precious lives constantly feel like they must lower their intellect and use the -N- word, behave wildly, and speak with morbid and incorrect grammar to be black enough or is it just me?

Why would a plant in hot sun wilt?

using the terms Osmosis, Balance, Compartment, Cell, Water, Permeability, Membrane, Environment, Internal conditions, and Concentration Gradient.

Why did the Suns trade James Jones?

I know they traded him for financial reasons, but I just don't get it. Isn't that the reason they traded Kurt Thomas, for cash b/c of Hill? And, James Jones was a highly underrated player, too. If Nash got him a corner three, Jones knocked it down. Luckilly for Jones, he was sent to Portland, and they'll be really good in a few years. So, I'm not sorry for him as of now. Plus, they have Oden next year, so they'll be fine. I just think that it was a very bad move for Phoenix. Jones basically had the same offensive ability as Shawn Marion (even better shooting), but no defense. Now, with Shaq in the post, they don't need outside D. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal now, but if (God fobid) a perimeter player gets injured, the Suns are gonna feel it. Despite all the controversy over the Shaq trade and Kurt Thomas, I still think that forfieting James Jones was the biggest mistake. Maybe we should just call it a "rookie's mistake" for Steve Kerr.

I think my 13-year-old granddaughter is menstruating?

You are such a good gramma and may I say techno savvy to know about Yahoo answers. If i were you I'd got to the store get her some pads and teen Midol and leave it in the bathroom for her good luck.

91 plymouth laser intake?

what kind of cold air intake can i put on a 91 plymouth laser besides the k&n one thats like 200 dollars i bought a filter from auto zone it was a spectre one but its not big enought to over the m air flow sensor by the its a 1.8 if that makes a difference

I am searching for static equipment installation inspection code, wanna check plumbness and cordinates -?

i am searching for the API or any international code saying about the installation of static equipments like skid or heat exchanger. i have to check the cordinates of the equiment and plumbness but dont know how much deviation is allowed for this from the drawing values(actual).

How do you like my story part?(under 250 words)?

it dosent flow right and you do realize you started it off in his point of view and then went to 3rd person...?

Where can i find a printable material for learning English?

i want to make my English fluent hence need some material on net which i could use to solve on daily basis.also where could i find basic & advanced information in english grammar like definitions, types ,examples of prepositions,figure of speech, active pive voice and so on.also i will be greatful if somebody could provide me with the sites which gives you regular mistakes that we do while talking and how to write a letter or an essay. Thanks.

The age long question: Sony or Canon?

I have had the sony a230 for almost a year now and it kinda sucks. I am looking to upgrade and am looking to buy the Canon 60D. It looks like an amazing camera and the Canon accessory's are amazingly cheap, and Sony has a different flash adapter so it can't hold third party accessory's like the pocket wizard. Then out of the blue comes the Sony A55. 10 frames per second, 100% electronic viewfinder, swivel tru-black screen and a 400$ cheaper price tag. My brain says that Canon has been making cameras forever but my heart says 10 frames per second. it's driving me crazy. also no sony and/or canon fanboys, I want to know why its a better camera.

My loverleft me allalone i want himback life is nothing widout him he left me i m in trouble plz hlp i wil die

LOVE HAS WIDER MEANING THAN . MAKE YOUR MIND BROAD.BE FRIENDLY WITH ALL AROUND YOU.YOU'll get what you want in course of time and understanding.

Is the Twin Paradox theory really possible?

it isn't possible, the return journey would undo the effects of the outward journey, making both twins the same age

What team do your parents support? and is this the reason why you?

Parents didn't my dad was heavily in rally-cross in-fact he competed in it,my mum not a big sports fan in any way shape or form.. my brother got me in to supporting Liverpool in the eighties and i never looked back :-)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Did a SNL appearance hurt Palin?

Yes it did and in a very negative way. It highlighted many of the things the American people are feeling toward her. She came across as unintelligent, aloof, and childish. It was not of her doing, for she had to read the script that was prepared for her. It did, however, add to the stigma that she is just another pretty face. The part where she raised and pumped her hands in the air to rap music was the icing on the cake for many. Even though it was just a joke, she came across as being someone too incompetent as a leader in our time of crisis. In all fairness to her, she got a bad deal. SNL knew ahead of time that they would have her looking like an idiot. Hillary's appearance did not alter her true character, for she did not do anything out of the norm. I am not a Palin subscriber, but she was set up. My heart goes out to her, for it was not fair to her.

How do you get close to a reserved girl?

I agree with would be a completely different relationship (especially if she's Muslim).

Okay I'm pregnant and I'm from Ohio the city I am from is not exactly a place I want to raise my child ?

I'm 20 and me and my boyfriend are wondering what state and city has the best opportunities and a great place to raise a child? Where I'm from its not much here at all

Which would be the best place to study abroad?

For me anyone sounds great however since SAFETY and a REALLY WELL SELECTED HOST FAMILY were my main my concerns I chose Santander in Spain with If you would like to know why and know more, please, contact me and I will be pleased to forward you detailed info on my very own and beyond amazing experience only matched by those who were lucky enough to find this fabulous program and participate in it.

Terminator movie coming out tomorrow?

I was wondering. I was thinking about getting terminator salvation on blu-ray, but my question is what makes the blu-ray director's cut I guess rated r when the movie and dvd version is rated pg-13. The reason I am asking is because I can't really watch rated r movies due to beliefs. It's very important to me, so if anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Thanks,

If Bodily Hair Is Desirable & Essential & With Utility & Purpose, Why Do We Want To Shave it Off ?

Hair in cerTain places on men is ok. Women should only have iT on Their heads and maybe on their arms ThaT is iT.

If McCain is the Republican nominee should he resign senate like Bb Dole did?

McCain might as well resign from the Senate, the old guard Democrats are backing the one candidate that will ensure McCain wins!

Hi i am having major issues figuring out how to write this program. I have to make a cashier register program?

I haven't actually tried compiling any of this code, but you're making calls to System.out.println() without an import* statement. see if that clears it up

Any advice? URGENT please help!!?

i say give him some space. don't argue with him, because fighting fire with fire creates a bigger fire...pretty soon he will get over this girl and he'll be fine. just let him cool off and be alone for a while. don't totally isolate him, but stay your distance. only be there when you have to be.

Do I Have a rare Football Card?

I Have a NFL Mark Sanchez card. What I think makes it rare is on the back it reads "This is the first NFL licensed rookie card of Mark Sanchez. It was produced by Panini America INC on April 25,2009 at the NFL Draft at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, Panini America INC is the official trading card sponser of the NFL Draft" Do you guys think it's rare, and how much do you think it's worth?

I'm malaysian citizen n i was study in mechanical eng. field...did u think am i can be a good engineer....

i don't ev any working experience in engineering field....i also don't know how can i used my knowledge about engineering soon...plzzz help me do da good decision either to continue my study or nop...

How come so many teenage girls are able to tolerate them

The horrendous and whiney singing of bands like MCR, Blink 182, All American Rejects. What is it with their biologies that makes them able to not writhe in agony?

How many fewer animals and plants are there on the planet for every additional human being? ?

what is our cost in other life forms? What is our biological footprint? does each additional person add to the total amount of life forms by making a home for another thousand roaches, or do we take away from the total amount because of what we consume and kill off? Does "more people" equal "less life" or vice-versa?

How to find hidden folder?

this is simple-click on start-controle panel-(clic view if using xp or vista if using win7 this wont be necessary just look for the folder options) click on folder options-view then Scroll to the option box that says show hidden folders.

Planning on joining the army and going into Delayed Entry for seven months. What is DEP like?

I am in the process of joining the army and I will likely be going into the Delayed Entry program for several months. What kind of stuff happens during delayed entry program. Does the army do further investigation on you and have you do more meps physicals or do they just let you hang for a while. Is it possible that they may have you do some extra PT tests. Can delayed entry help you with your job search in the army and make it easier to get the job that you want? What are the advantages and disadvantages of DEP?

Why are there references to Palestine but not to jews in Herodotus?

His "Histories' is the most comprehensive and earliest study of the region. Why no references that any of this alleged jewish history in their religious writings? Why all the references to Syria and Palestine?

Have tax cuts EVER paid for themselves?

Temporary tax cuts can sometimes bring about a profit, but generally it doesn't. Capitalism takes taxes in consideration while running the economy. The effect that tax cuts provide only last weeks or months.

Lost my yahoo pword?

i have lost my yahoo pword ( i have 2 accounts) how do i recover it? and i don't know security ques' ans cause i wrote random things in the answer when i made the account.can any1 give me a download where i can recover my pword for free and the site doesn't require u to complete a survey and does not have a photoshop file.

Which defense should I play this week?

Play the Packers. A good defense against a good team is better than a terrible defense ever. The Seahawks defense is not even good at home; the Giants scored 41 points against them in Week 9.

IRISH SCIENTISTS why is erwin schrodinger a naturalised irishman on the google list of great irish?

scientists and the more well known ROBERT BOYLE not and please comment on schrodingers cat in the box paradox IS THE CAT DEAD and did schrodinger propose this while he was head of physics in dublin university

DO I start Sammy Morris vs the Dolphins? Or Bryant Johnson vs the Lions? it's RB vs WR for my last spot.?

morris, he will get alot more carries this week seeing as maroney may be out.....even if maroney is in; NE will not want to upset his injury more.

Why is My Batman Arkham Alylum Switching to Joker character and starting over, when I head to killer crock?

Why is My Batman Arkham Alylum Switching from Batman to Joker character and going back to the start, when Im headed to killer crock in the game? I did download the Joker pack, but I umed that was its own thing, not that it would switch over. How can I fix this without loosing my game data?

My 11th Grade Problem?? HELP?

Get over it....quit blaming others. Either you aren't trying in stats or it's over your head--accept it, work harder and please oh please move on.

Gas airsoft gun or AEG?

Well, my friend and I have a choice to make. We are deciding whether we should have an airsoft war with AEGs or Gas blowback pistols. We both are interested in the pistols slightly more than AEGs because to us, the blowback feature is really cool and we have never owned one. I had a clic army m4a1 which broke on me 3 years ago but I don't know if I should buy another one or just buy a cool sidearm. I can get both if I have enough time, but he can only get one. Also, Gas blowbacks are cheaper. However there is the burden of buying green gas/propane and silicone spray.I also have another question. How much silicone spray do i have to mix with the propane? (if i get a gas pistol Im using propane lol) Thanks for your input.

Should the CHURCH support GAY RIGHTS?/ (Share your thoughts on this blog)?

That depends on the church. If some churches feel it's wrong then they shouldn't endorse something they feel is wrong. Each person and group is entitled to their own beliefs/feelings.

Someone is Always staring into my home?

It sounds like you are being paranoid and delusional. All of these things are happening by chance; they aren't happening because someone is truly looking in on you at all your vulnerable and odd moments.

Sound Card won't work?

I recently reformatted my computer, and now my sound card won't be recognized...any help? i believe it's a sound blaster 5.1..something like that. I honestly can't check because nothing about it shows up on my computer.

In the presidential race of 2004?

Bush was the inbent Republican President. As such, there was no serious opposition to him in the GOP primary.

What wrestler has improved most this year, IYO?

The Miz. He has improved far from the beginning of the year, let alone his career. I hated him in the beginning of the year because he had the mic skills but no in ring talent while Morrison should have been where Miz was. I still say Morrison deserved Miz's push but Miz has also earned what he has gotten and I am looking forward to him becoming WWE Champion.

How much food is too much?

You are actually not eating enough calories. Your body will go into starvation mode when you continuously eat less than 1200 calories a day. This is where your body will hold onto fat for survival purposes because it thinks you are starving and there might not be any more food coming its way. You may, actually probably, gain weight eating at this level of calories. Your daily caloric needs depend on height, age, and weight. But because your body burns calories even when just sitting or sleeping, you will not have enough for continuous body function, if done for long periods. This is one reason why long time or severe anorexics can have problems with their bodies shutting down. A better way would be to eat a nutritious and healthy 1500-1600 (just guessing at amt) calories a day with lots of fruits and vegetable and plenty of water. Then exercise 3 or so times a week.

Why do Angry Anti-Adoption Search people speak for our Mothers?

I'm fully aware that it goes on - my son even got hindered by my own family who lied to him and they don't even come onto Q&A. He also had adoptee friends who told him that they thought I didn't want to be found all because I had moved a few times.

Why is my stomach making these loud noises?

Like whenever I go to bed, I hear at night these loud stomach noises or when I'm waking up they are still there but as the day continues they're gone. You can only hear them very loud at night and at morning. I want that to stop because I'm still going to school and it's causing aniexty. Like I'm afraid of sitting in a silent room because I might think that everyone will hear them and think she's either farting or she's disgusting. I know lots of people have it but maybe I'm just focusing on it too much. :/

Where to buy dress for 8th Grade Farewell Dance?

you could look in forever 21, charlotte russe, macy's, lord and taylor, jc penny's, nordstrums or any stores like that.

Why must we build a society that brings faiths closer together?

The only logical answer is because more than 3 billion people have religious faith and like most religions you must put your faith before anything else in your life. We have seen good and bad things come out of religion. To try and get rid of faith all together is just ridiculous so makes more sense to at least people become more tolerable of each other so we don't have to hear in news how some one or group does terrible things. In all honesty though I can only see 4 reasons people come together, war, terrible natural diaster affecting everyone, maybe alien invasion some sort lol :), or dictatorship forcing everyone to be as one.

I am starting being to love watching UFC fights does this mean I have betrayed boxing?

Boxing betrayed itself, you havent done aything wrong bro.In UFC to the best of my knowledge fights dont take 2 and 3 years to be made, Haye vs Klitschko is exciting, the fact it took so long to happen is the reason boxing is losing fans.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who misses there boyfriends/fionce's/husbands after a bit?

i have a gf and speaking from a boys view point , i do really miss her when we are not around ,specially that we used to meeet like daily then now its more like once a week due to our jobs and it really feel like your aching deep inside.i dont know if i sound too clingy but thats how i really feel.

Why does she keep hurting me?

Don't take any hle from her stand up for yourself and ask her why? If you don't stand up for yourself she'll walk over you.. she seems like a friend of mines that I use to have..

Ballet flats...o-u-t..........out.?

they do go well with jeans especially skinny ones, and i dont think they are specific enough to ever really go out of style, because they are basically just flats and without flats all we would have would be sneakers and heels and they wont go out of style b/c we will always need flats if that makes any sense at all.

What is the Capitol of maine?

Augusta is the capital Maine, county seat of Kennebec County, and center of population for Maine. The city's population was 18,560 at the 2000 census, making it the third-smallest state capital after Montpelier, Vermont and Pierre, South Dakota. Located on the Kennebec River at the head of tide, it is home to the University of Maine at Augusta.

Did The Knights Templar.....?

find the Ark of the Covenant under the Temple Mount while occupying Jerusalem during the Crusades, and spirit if off somewhere where its still waiting to be found? If so, where do you think it is?

Can Gender Stereotypes about Language Undermine Boys’s Academic Abilities?

It's true in most of academia now - what was once a system geared toward educating boys, is now geared toward educating girls. Girls now do significantly better in school than boys. They are 10% more likely to graduate high school, and almost 20% more likely to go to college.

What are some ways history has repeated itself?

WWI was know as "the war to end all wars" when it was fought. The treaty that ended WWI lead directly to WWII.

MATH HELP pleaseee (10 Points)?

hmmmm ok well, for A plug in any number for either x or y and then solve to get the other one, for B plug in 3 for y then solve the equation to get the other figure :)

Atkins diet? help me get off of it?

Think about the long-term effects of such a diet. As a veggie, I leapt up and cheered when Horizon (UK TV doentary) debunked Atkins - you lose weight because the excess protein satisfies the hunger trigger in the brain, but is not a diet on which to live because the lack of veg means you don't get the anti-oxidants that are what help us live longer. Yes, it's like the cave-man diet (or whatever), but they only lived to 40, not the 70+ that we easily achieve these days.

Anime songs in Latin?

I love listening to anime songs in Latin, my favourite being Lala's Lullaby (DGray-Man), and Elfen Lied's opening song. Can u guys help me by telling me other Latin anime songs? Thanks! Please include links. :)

Will i loose weight by only eating 600-800 calories a day?

on a regular day of mine i start off with water and all bran cereal in the morning water and an apple at lunch water and hummus after school some more water and a small dinner will i loose weight??

He pre d inside me although i took ipill can i still get pregnant?

my last period was on 17 dec and it got over on 20 dec i had with my boy friend on 26th dec... bec it just happened we had no protection although he didnot come inside me but he pre d inside me.... i took an ipill after 2 hours....can i still get pregnant i am very scared....i am only 21 and i dont want to get pregnant.... and if i am pregnant how will i come to know and how can i get the baby aborted without surgery....please help.......thank you

Stats help...need to find the test statistic?

In a random sample of 500 urban drivers who own a cell phone, 270 admitted to using a cell phone while driving. In a random sample of 500 rural drivers who own a cell phone, 245 admitted to using a cell phone while driving. We are interested in the difference in population proportions of urban drivers compared to rural drivers (urban – rural). We are interested in performing a two-sided test for the null hypothesis that the population proportions of urban and rural drivers who admit to using a cell phone while driving are equal.

Does Susan and Peter ever go back to Narnia?

I have seen both movies and even though I like all 4 of the kids, Peter and Susan are my favorite. So will they be going back to Narnia or are they just in the "real world" from this point on?

My mother forces me to play the piano?

I'm 15 and my mother forces me to play the piano for 10 years already! I love my mother but I hate her for forcing me to play the piano! I have a big talent and she wants me to apply music university after i finish high school, but after high school I want to apply at FIDM in Fashion Design. I told that my mother and she didn't regret it but she told me that I will apply and music university and FIDM, but then I told her that we'll have big money problems and i DON'T want to apply music school, and then she started yelling at me and we started arguing! So in october 27 i'm going to Italy on a competition and after that I want to quit music and before finishing high school, ( 2 years) I want to spend my free time on kickboxing, karate, france language, etc. But I don't know how to convince her for quitting music. Should I go for help to a school psychologist??? Pls help me!!! And people that think that I should listen to my mother and shouldn't quit music, pls go away from this page, bcz I truly know that i want to quit music!

Can you use grease in crock pot?

There is a tale of lore that lets u remove the fat that floats to the top. It's all in the taste but really who can sacrifice taste for lithe and alllure, tite 2

Beethoven for engravement?

what do you think about engraving "forever thine, forever mine, forever ours" from Beethoven on the inside of my husbands ring. Do you think he'll understand the significance and appreciate it?

Guy help( pic inside)?

I don't even have to check out the pics to tell you that if that's what you feel like doing to your hair, then do it. Anyway, if you don't like it, you can always dye them back to your natural color, or even let them grow until the color's out. It's not really as though it would be permanent. It's what you think that is important, not the judgment from others, especially strangers like us.

Why do some teens get acne while others don't?

There are so many factors involved in acne that it is impossible to really say why one teen gets acne and another who seems to lead a similar life style doesn't. There is some research that suggests the hormones found in dairy products and a western diet in general may be a factor, but there are many others. Hormones, heredity, greasy cosmetics, stress, humid polluted climates, irritation to the skin, chafing, and squeezing pimples all can contribute to acne.

How do I behave on a trip with my boyfriend's family?

I am going on a trip for a week and a half with my boyfriend, his dad, and his two younger brothers. How am I supposed to act? Should there be no PDA? It would be extra helpful if these tips applied to asian culture. What should my boyfriend be doing to ensure that I am comfortable?

Does anyone know release dates for Sprints Samsung F700 or M800?

I want a new phone, but i would hate to buy one and then they release a really nice phone. I know the F700 was released in Europe, but I wanted to know if there was any news about it in the U.S. Please help me out.. I need a new phone.. And, unfortunately I have Sprint.. Their selection sucks.. I am desperate.. Well, let me just say that I have the upstage now.. So, you know my desperation..!!!

How do you know when your iodine tablets will no longer work?

I've had this bottle of iodine tablets in my first aid kit for a while and for kicks I opened it up. The bottle is yellow now and the tablets have turned a rusty brown color.

Good Fantasy Baseball Team?

Overall it looks to be a great team you have put together. Remind me to not join your league! Haha. Pujols would be a great addition, but it's not completely necessarywith the other players you have. And as far as trading Melky, you could go either way. But if you trade him, I would go with Diaz, he's a solid player. But the one downfall that stands out to be is Bonafacio at DH. He doesn't play enough, and when he does, he's not very consistant. VERY fast player with decent contact, but not a DH player. You should possibly put him on the bench and use him as a situational player. Then pick up another player that's either a power hitter and/or has better on base percentage or RBI's. Hope I hepled

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stomach cancer? Help please im worried!?


Should the sentence be less harsh for a murderer if the victim was a pedophile?

zzs-FIRST OF ALL. You don't even know my political affiliation. I asked a question for debate based on an article I found. Addressing me personally was futile. Nothing in my question or details suggested I took any side in this regard. You need to stop jumping the gun.

There's this girl i like?

Theres this girl I like and we have no cles together just lunch and I'll see her in the hallway like twice nd she's usually walkin with her friends nd I'll tell her hi or shell tell me hi nd I wnna tlk to her more but at lunch she's with her friends nd in the hallway thers not enough time nd I'm kind of shy kause this iz my first year at this skool nd I wnna get to knw her but dnt wnna sound stupid or like a creep

Why do a lot of women in the middle east dye their hair blond?

I know this doesn't account for all middle eastern women, but I see this a lot in countries like lebanon, turkey, jordan, syria, etc. even if there are a very few that do have that natural hair color. But I highly doubt that the majority are not brunettes.

What would you do if you were a big fat orge?

I would go scare another big ugly ogre that has been bullying me for almost 5 years. I'd be as big and ugly as him and less afraid of him. He'd be real surprised to see me running at him instead of running away from him. Ha ha.

Will you be buying Call of Duty: Black Ops ?

i'll buy it but i'm almost 95% sure that i will get bored of it the way that i got tired of Mw2 also treyarch games have always never been that great

When to use "payables" vs. "payable"?

When do you use the term "payables" and when do you use "payable" in terms of accounting? Here's my thoughts and please correct me if I'm wrong: If you are referring to the department as a whole you would say "Accounts Payable". However, when talking about the items themselves you would refer to them as "Payables". The reason I ask is, a girl I used to work with always insisted upon saying "Accounts Payables". It drove me crazy because I just don't think that it is proper grammar to have both words pluralized. What do you think?

Has anyone had a rash that just wouldn't go away?

So I have had a rash that appears in welts all over my body for the past almost three months. It welts up and itches like CRAZY and than will be gone 10 min later only to reappear somewhere else. Well this went on for almost three months and than about 2 weeks ago I started getting red spots that were about the size of a quarter some of them in clusters all over my leggs, hips and stomach. On top of that all I have been so tired! I have no energy...last night I slept for 13 hours and was still tired. And than this last week I have been having dizzy spells where the room would just start spinning. Has anyone had ANYTHING similar to this...I am stumped!


I am counting down days until something, and wanted a unique, special, ineresting thing to do each day to make the time go faster. A different thing each (for example, if there were 100 days,) on day 99 i make an origami crane, day 98 I write a poem... etc.

What 2 WR should I start in week 16?

Jackson and Johnson. Jackson has a great match up. Only 4 teams have allowed more fantasy points to WRs than the Bengals. For some reason, Miami hasn't played well at home. The Ravens and Dolphins are roughly the same statistically against WRs. It's close between Colston and Johnson though.

47cc super pocket bike... do i need driver's license?

ok pretty straightforward but i was wondering if i need a license because i've heard that if its below 50cc, u dont need a drivers license. if it matters, i was planning to get the x7 super pocket bike.

4 History Questions!?

Look up the wikipedia for them. So you don't have to read the whole thing or scan it, press "CTRL" and "F" at the same time. A search bar should pop up from the bottom of the screen. Type in a keyword, and it'll automatically take find where these keywords [and most likely the answers] on the page. Hope it helped!:)

Art question...Mona Lisa?

So my gf asked me what's so special about the Mona Lisa and I couldn't answer...can anyone tell me what's so special about it besides being painted by leonardo davinci

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How long will Guardiola be in charge at Bar�a?

I would love to say a long time but I think he'll leave for the premier league after another few seasons

History help please?

A quick reading of your history text will give you all the answers to these questions. Some of them however are just common sense. Do you have any?

What NFL game would you like to see played in London next year as the annual International Game?

Since the NFC East vs AFC South is here; I found one that works perfectly. You've got a very nice choice with your picks there too. I don't think you could go wrong with a Cowboys vs Colts game; two teams who haven't played in London yet. Both with a rich tradition, obviously the Cowboys are right up there with England's own Manchester United in terms of popularity for any sporting club in the whole world. So the name "Dallas Cowboys" alone carries weight with it, not to mention, the name Peyton Manning also does too. Not to mention, I think it could be a good game; unlike the previous matchups so far.

Was i being possessed in my sleep and most likely didn't know about it?

i would'nt say possession because your body would feel like *** afterward...but it is possible for something to put an influence on for an astral is unlikely unless you know what your is incredibly difficult to astral project within your own mind....even harder to do it in the real world...if you feel like ur being watched at times or feel weird vibes or random depressions i would do a little supernatural research

Helping a 2 yr old adjust to a move and new room?

My daughter, her fiance and their 2 yr old daughter just moved in with me for financial reasons. How can we best acclimate my granddaughter to having a new room. She's not wanting any part of it because it's not what she's used to, obviously, even though we have her things in there. I hesitate to let her cry it out because everything in her little life has suddenly changed. Any suggestion would be welcomed. Thank you.

An old game on

Alright, I can remember an old game on but can't remember what it's called. It was a very dark game and was extremely long. I can evan specifically remember it saying"warning this game is extremely long" i think it was even divided into multiple parts. It took place in a spaceship and you were this weird robot. Can anybody give me any ideas on what this game was called?

My bf and I have very different values. He and his friends are racist, ist and elitist. It makes me feel.?

badly about myself that I ociate with such ignorant people. I love my bf, but I don't know if I can sign up for the bigot brigade for life.

Theres something wrong with my rubik's cube.?

I've done the rubik's cube like a million times before and I lubricated it so it can move faster. But when I tryed solving it again the algorithms wouldnt work at the " F R U Ri Ui Fi." Is there something wrong with my cube?

When is mickie james coming back?

i know she had a car accident but when cause i'm not gonna watch WWE if she ain't coming back for 4 or 5 months so when is she really coming back full time

How did ideas spread so quickly in europe?

how did things like the reinance (sp?) reformation, scientific revolution, and enlightenment spread so quickly?

Why are we still in war? Better yet, Why are we still over seas?

Well, as it is obvious Saddam hussein is dead and now we're supposed to live happily ever after right? but the drama continues. The cost of war sense 2001 to now is over $1,000,000,000,000 dollars. Now, I believe this money could had gone to better use rather than having to make it mandatory to cut funds for war support. With this kind of money spent, the value of an American dollar just means nothing more but hard labor for war support.

Do you agree that right now and over the last few weeks, Jarrod Croker is the best centre in the NRL?

Isnt he in brilliant form, and the big gun centres like Folau, Inglis, Tonga, Morris and Jennings arent in that good of form, what do you think, hasnt he been a revelation this year

Are there any "unsuitable" scenes in the Leonardo Dicaprio movie "Total Eclipse"?

I know it's plot evolves around two men's love etcetera but I wanted to know if it shows any "not so suitable" scenes - I am 15 and you may think I shouldn't be watching this film but are there any gay like GAY scenes, I'm not talking about a kiss or two though. Thanks XD

Is it true that MX3 capsules really aid in weight loss? Has anybody ever tried this dietary supplement?

diet pills alone wont work and should be taken as the last resort if you are morbidly obese.... You can take xenical diet pills or alli they are the best but it should not be forgotten that they do not work alone you need to exercise and diet as well.

Scarlet Letter quotes ASAP please?

Im looking for quotes that show how the characters change throughout the book, their Psychological struggles, etc.

What should I wear to the Harry Potter Premiere?

I have two shirts I wanted to wear. One with D.A. in the middle of words froming a circle that says "Dumbledore's Army" or I have a shirt with the trio on it. And I was wondering if I should take my wand? I got a replica of Hermione's wand from and I didn't know if I'd look too obsessed, cause I am, I just don't want people to think I'm crazy. This will be my first midnight movie and yeah :D So I was going to get a Gryffindor tie, I would get a scarf but it takes a few weeks to come in and the tie is at the mall. But then I saw this snuggie that looked like the hogwarts robes and since it will probably be cold I thought that would be an ideal choice... I don't know which one to get, though, because I don't mind either. I'm getting the ski hat with Harry's undesirable face on the quibbler. So what shirt should I wear, should I get a tie or a snuggie, and should I bring my wand? Thanks for your help :)

Ford Cortina engine swap? What would fit well?

Wanting an upgrade on the 2.0L OHC straight 4, budgets at around $2000 for motor alone. Could I get a small block, or falcon v8 in there? With either very little, or no additional labour (apart from the drop itself) Cheers

Is it implantation bleeding?

Had on the 19 of june. Later that day my period started. Today, exactly 2 wx later, I notice a bit of pink tainted discharge. Is it implantation bleeding? I never had it with my fi rst two pregnancies.

Attrite and Rewrite? (Navy)?

I joined the Navy DEP in pursuit of a Challenge contract. The only way to get a challenge contract is to DEP into the Navy and choose a rate and then you meet with a Motivator/Mentor who will administer the PST and evaluate you to determine whether or not to grant you a Challenge contract. To this point, I have been unsuccessful in meeting the requirements on the running portion of the PST due to shin splints caused by my own lack of running knowledge. I tried pushing too far/too quickly and have payed the price but am recovering and feel I have learned a valuable lesson. My recruiter told me I do not have enough time left in DEP to get a Challenge contract anymore and that my best option to get into the training pipeline of the rate I am after would be to just go to RTC with the rate I signed up for and go to A school and eventually try and request orders to my desired ratings pipeline. If thats my only option, then so be it. But an alternative has been mentioned to me by a few others to try and Attrite and Re-write due to the fact that I don't want to do the rating I am signed up for (the only reason I signed for the rate was because the system in place calls for a recruit to sign for any rate and DEP in before an opportunity to get a challenge contract). They said the chances of getting into the pipeline I want once I am already doing another job is very slim because there are so many people joining the Navy now. So i guess my question is, before I bring this up to my recruiter, is an attrite and re-write something they actually do to buy more time? Especially nowadays with recruiting numbers the way they are? Thanks for any help or knowledge yall can share.

Explain how a purely competitive firm views demand for its product and marginal revenue from each additional u

I'm figuring that by purely competitive firm, you mean a firm in a purely competitive market in which no firm has the ability to differentiate its product to generate extra rents, like a farmer who raises corn. In this market, the firm will view demand as infinite, so will treat it as constant. uming a relatively predictable price, it will look at marginal revenue per unit as a function of variable cost & the marginal increase in cost from fixed or large incremental costs needed to add production capacity. Again, a farmer would look at the added costs of production inputs such as land, implements etc. Something like an oil refinery is a little different in that their markets are regional, so adding refining capacity may reduce total profit given the price elasticity of gasoline, even though they would increase revenue. So, we get annual gas price shocks in the summer since they don't see any benefit from the added capacity-since the market is influenced by their output, so isn't quite perfectly competitive.

Are these the best lyrics ever written?

I like that song! As far as being the 'best lyrics ever written', I guess that's subjective, but they are very good!

Is there any GM truck that has a front-end similar to the Chevy Astro/GMC Safari?

I'm looking at getting a grille guard for my 97' Chevy Astro van, and, since there doesn't appear to be anyone who sells guards specifically for the astro, I was wondering if the van's front end was similar to any truck models. I had heard that the Astro/Safari was built somewhat based off of a truck design, and I was wondering if this was true.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Im writing a horror story, i want to extend my vocabulary any suggestions?

The dark night was clearly visible by the pale full moon that shone in the darkest of places. In the distance the howling of the wolves pierced the night with a sound of terror.. The wind whistling, and not a soul in sight.. I felt as if possessed as i was dragged to wander the corridors of a dark, deserted school.

Cranky lady at work>?

I work for a call center today was my 1st day I trained with this really nice lady. and then she went home for the last 1 1/2 hrs i trained with this psycho. She was doing tech support for some computer system which was totally foriegn to me anyways I just listen in. But she was so crazy she told me all the customers are stupid and she couldnt believe they dressed themselves in the morning. then she just stared at me, what was i suppose to say.. i just nod and was thinking OMG what freakin crazy woman. Anyways It was really uncomfortable she kept downing the customers and when they would be on a call she would mute it and make fun of was so disturbing. I know ur not supposed to act that way in front of new ppl..Question is i dont wanna be a snitch? But if they put me with her again? I dont think I can handle it shes so cynical and u can tell shes burnt out..what to do ? advice tell boss or no???

Which is grammatically correct, "infront" or "in front"?

My friend and I had a disagreement today about which of these spellings is correct. We each believe 100% that we're correct. I've been having a hard time finding support for either one, so if you know the grammatical basis for the correct answer that would be great. Thanks!

What is the difference (if any) between the names the UK and Great Britain?

no..... jaden ronaldo, US is united states which is north america, america is south & north america therefore it has mexico and argentina in america. UK is England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, but great britian is all of that but it includes loads of islands like isle of man and island groups of orkney and shetland.jaden ronaldo ur a dumb ****

I am SO confused! Male Gemini?

I'm engaged to a gemini. he is the most FICKLE guy I ever know (gem sun & mercury) he changes his mind as fast as I return from the bathroom. lol. Anyways, since I am an air sign myself I find this bearable.... and being an Aquarius makes me more fixed and more determined than him I guess.. but yeah, I dunno how you will see this but he may be bored.. and changes his mind suddenly. easy as that.

Will my continue to grow for 2 more years? 4 in total... Please read...?

There's not actually a set age on when they'll stop growing...sorry but everyone is different which answers the question because if you're saying they haven't grown much since you hit puberty then most likely you'll have a growth spurt within the next few maybe in high school or early on in college they will grow. Since I've know girls who were seniors in high school and had started their periods as seniors but had already had growth spurts I don't think having your period really determines when your will grow. Like the other person said, it's more genetic.

Homework help!!!!!!!please....points!!!…

How would different weather, or abundance of food, or spare time, or what was available in nature affect how people lived in Native American tribes in North American or with the Mayas and Aztecs in Central America or the Incas in South America?------or------Consider the different regions of the Americas and the people that lived there. How were their cultures different based on their location?.....

Why can't Norman Bates say the word "bathroom" in the movie Psycho?

Working on an ignment for my psychology cl and this question has me stumped. I have already explained his dissociative personality disorder, but I'm not sure how this fits into this disorder. Does it cause Norman's mothers personality to try and show itself because he is attracted to Marion? I don't see the connection for his attraction and the word bathroom. Any help would be great!

My friend bought a 2001 Yamaha Blaster ATV Quad. It didn't come with a manual. Do I have to mix the oil & gas

My friend bought a 2001 Yamaha Blaster ATV Quad. It didn't come with a manual. It's a 2 stroke. Do I have to mix the oil & gas or does it do it automatically?

The love of my life left me for another guy and broke my heart, and now she wants to be friends?

What do I do? Be friends or cut all ties? I get miserable and reminded of her lies and betrayal everytime I see her. She made so many false promises and told me she would love me forever.

Did construction to build the pentagon begin on September, 11th?

Did Bush senior tell the U.S. of America that we would have a New World Order on September, 11th? On Gangland, are all the gangs set up in a pyramid system of government with the all seeing Devil at the top, like the "Free" Masons? Has any one played any occult games such as "Ouija boards", dungeons & dragons, magic art (the precursor to transcendental meditation), the Eight-ball with the "pyramid" in the center? Has any one practiced divination in the form of tarot cards, mirror gazing, water gazing, or s�ances? Has anyone brought Harry potter "fictional" witchcraft books, or maybe real witchcraft books, into you homes? Through participation in such games and or practices, or possession of, have you found that you have fallen into spiritual to witchcraft / demonic forces? Through said spiritual has the New World Order / Satan's Secret Society used witchcraft and try to force you to go through the secret ceremony performed through Transcendental meditation? Did this underworld satanic government try and force you to accept the worship of one of there many "Gods"? Did they say that in accepting the worship of one you accepted the worship of all? Did they inform you that one was the Devil and that another was Jesus? Did they have a "demon" for every occasion? Is this the way the NWO takes people into spiritual captivity Revelation 13, 10? Is this how they are distributing the spiritual mark of the beast?

What does power have to do with fairness and justice?

When power comes into play, people begin to get power hungry, which causes the justice and fairness that people try to provide to become distorted and causes problems for others. But only when the power controls you, not when you control the power.

Can someone please help me rephrase this sentence:?

Working for _________would be my ideal internship. If there are any additional steps I can be taking to become a stronger candidate for this position, I would welcome the opportunity.

How do I clean the heating part of a crock pot?

its kind of self cleaning really, the best you can do is to get some like dawn degreasing dishwashing soap and hot water and swish and shake it round the element base in hope of at least keeping the area somewhat clean

Tradename violations and domain names?

So what's the rule regarding using a company's name as a part of a domain name? For example, I see sites like "", "", "". However, I have to ask whether these domain names are in violation of the trademark the company has on the names? The reason I ask is that I'm thinking about creating a similar site about another company, but I want to do it to the letter of the law and not get whacked for violating someone's trade name in the URL. Is there any precedent for a "" or "" site being sued or trademark infringement?

Is my 21 moth old nomal or should i be concerned?

Noah is my 21 month old son we are concerned about. He doesn't say much only uses about a 10 words constantly and never together he does respond to his name and simple commands like no, and sit down, come here he will pull us to the door when wanting to go outside and to his cup when thirsty but doesn't point just wines. He understands conversation and will respond with babble if you ask him a question. He laughs when you laugh and smiles when you do. If you talk to him he will respond only with babble. Sometimes his babble seems if a form of a question. We are concerned about autism. As far as abnormal behaveurs he loves wheels and things that spin has always been infatuated with them and will lay on the ground to watch them spin on his cars. Should we be concerned plz help?

My left hand numb?

my left hand has been numb. i no im not having a stoke cuz its just my hand not my whole left side. what could it be?

Stoichimetery question, please explain how to do the listed problem.?

Lead will react with hydrochloric acid to produce lead(II) chloride and hydrogen. How many moles of hydrochloric acid are needed to completely react with 0.36 mol of lead?

How can I get them to respect my authority?

She snuck into his room once before, and you're letting her stay again, hoping she stays put? Keep dreaming.

Where is the High Commission of Malaysia in Singapore?

Can you pls tell me procedure for Indian pport holders to get Malaysian Visa.? how many days will take for visa processing?

Neutrogena extra gentle cleanser?

Has anyone ever tried this product?. I want to try it because I have dry skin and I was wondering if this would help. Oh and can anyone tell me about the neutrogena illuminating whip moisturizer? Could I use that at my age (im 18)? Thankss!!

Are white people jealous that they aren't a minority?

I'll they do is whine about affirmative action, and that minorities get special privileges...that its not fair and so on...

Any tips for picking a grad school?

I'm looking for a grad school with good English and History programs. I'd imagine that that won't be difficult to find but I am hoping that some of you will have suggestions of other things I should look for in a school or things that I should be wary of. Thanks in advance!

The Democrats have lost a seat in Machusetts!!! How you feel about that?

Do you think this sends a message to the Dems in Washington that they are in trouble and the Republicans are coming back! I mean they just lost a seat that they have had since 1962. MSNBC just announced that Scott Brown beat Martha 53%, 46%! Your thoughts???

Jehovah's Witnesses: How do you see Jesus' quote in Luke 4:18?

I agree with Rolando not only are you confusing your self but every body else that reads your question including me

Medium Beginner Biker Pointers..?

I'm getting a Honda Cbr 600rr, Is there any advice that will help me become a safer and better biker? Thanks 4 the Help.

Should I write to him that I like him?

well if your so into righting a note, i think before ask do you have a gf either slip it in a late night texting or upfront or ask a friend or something, if he doesnt write a note saying, "you mean a lot to me, we have share the same idea and everything togethere, i hope we can be togethere when i come back" and leave a good photo of you smiling, i guess or write something else that if he doesnt have a gf that he wants you

How bad is my fish tank for my fish?

i have 3 pictus catfish 1 oscar and an algea eater all in a ten gallon tank.. i know its really small for all of them and they are all still small.. well Oscar is about 5 in ches.. how bad exactly is it that they are all in there.. because theyre all in the small tank i do water changes twice a week and that seems to keep the level somewhat balanced.. the nitrate levels are still really high.. i use easy balance by tetra in the tank but it doesnt seem to help that much. i need help.. help!

I know this is crazy but...?

it bugs me. In Fergie's song, Big Girls Don't Cry, it goes " and I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket." Isn't that grammatically incorrect. Shouldn't it be a child misses his blanket or even her. IDK , someone please answer

How much would a new graphics card cost me?

the price of a new video card is the exact price of the new laptop you buy. you can not replace video cards in a laptop. it sucks i know, but thats the way it is. sorry

Leaking ceiling?

Ok for about a month now I'v brought it to my apartments attention that bubbles where forming in my ceiling! and that I suspect a leask and they need to send some4one to look at it. Iv took pictures showed them and their responce was were really7 swamped right now! so now my ceiling is leaking I call the after hour matnice guy and he says the same crap talking abut he will look at it but does not know when it will be fixed are they in the wrong isnt this not safe for my family/ what can I do or who can I call!

When your muscle are sore and you work them out what happens to them?

No man thats not how it works, working out muscles that are sore just over strains them and actually prohibits them from growing, you never wanna workout the same muscle over and over....when your muscles are strained the best thing to do is to take an ice bath....its hard to do, but the simplest thing to do is to just jump in and take it....its intense but it will calm and relax your muscles...

Atheists, should we allow our children to go to church?

I would probably not want my children to go to church, but I would allow them to if they wanted to if they were at what I think would be an appropriate age to learn about the things you mention (genocide, , murder, holy war, etc.).

Query regarding upgarding RAM?

Sure you can. That still puts you kinda low though. Memory is cheap lately, just get two 512s at least